Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Change of Scenery

This past weekend i went up north to see some friends and fam in the bay area, and boy was it fun. It was great to get away, and of course to see everyone up there, celebrating the 4th of July with them, BBQ-ing, listening to really good music by some stellar DJ's. It was a bit chilly up there for my taste, but the best part was the change of scenery.

It sometimes helps to change your scenery a bit. Whether only a day, a weekend, or even something more permanent, getting out of town really helps cleanse your thought processes, really understand where you are at in any given moment. It doesn't even have to be so far. Here in L.A. for instance, when i lived in Los Feliz, i would go for hikes alot. Not only is it great exercise, but it gets your mind thinking, your blood pumping. My former boss used to change the routes he would take to work every morning. Sure, some were longer than others, but everytime i tried it i saw something new, and felt more excited to get to work instead of getting there in the same routine. In other words, try changing your scenery a bit when you get a chance, it will work wonders for the soul.

Here is a nice lil jammy, "Balmes (A Better Life)" by Ian Pooley ft Esthero. This woman has one of the sweetest voices you will ever hear, so hope ya dig.

Giving Back

We are going to begin getting a group together for our 3rd annual Jackfrost Toy Drive here in LA. It doesn't start take place until Decemeber, but what i've learned is that its never too early to start planning for these. Last year by far exceeded our drive from the previous year, and this year we intend to shatter that number, all for a great cause. Anyhow, if you want to get involved and give back, or know someone who does, please let them know it's almost time for our first pre-production meeting next month.

Have a great day!

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