Friday, July 4, 2008

Bittersweet Symphony

It's a Bittersweet Symphony, this life. (don't worry i won't post that video on here, the 4th of July needs a better song!)

Day after day, one door shuts, another opens. Some doors re-open later, some stay closed. Regardless we carry on and continue to grow whether we know it or not. It's a journey, this sweet symphony.

It's funny how people always say things like "you should follow your dream" however, most never do. People say "timing is everything", and "listen to your heart", but it's definitely easier said than done. I catch myself spitting these clichés all the time, but don't always listen to my own advice. Am I crazy? Maybe a little, but for the most part i think I'm just human like the other 4 of you that are reading this, heheh.

Anyways, sometimes the truth opens your eyes, sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it makes you aware or even catches you by surprise. Regardless, the truth is just that, and when we are true with ourselves, the easier it may be to be true to others, and so forth. Anyhow hope that makes sense, and i hope i listen to my own advice on this ;)

As i mentioned, next week i will start this gradual expansion of this blog, beginning to incorporate more content, mixes, and a bit more structure instead of just rambling on and on and on and on....its still very much a clean slate so if you have any ideas, please do lemme know what they are!

Anyhow have a fantabulous, safe weekend and make sure to enjoy it.

I was going to post a fun weekend kickoff track, but "Don't Sweat the Technique" doesn't allow the embedding of it for some reason. So, i move onto the next radio station and another early 90's jammy, "Everything Is Gonna Be Alright" by Father MC and Jodeci:

And on that note how about another jammy from that era? LOVE it!

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