So TODAY is the final day for us Californians to register to vote, and if you haven't yet, well, you really really should. I am a firm believer in the power of the vote, not only to choose the next president, but also have your say in State Measures and Propositions.
Register here: http://www. declareyourself. com
I am in no way well versed in the multitude of propositions, nor do I know the difference between the 2 state senatorial candidates, etc. Of course one has the option of researching all of these, but for now I only know 2 things regarding this year's VOTE:
1). BARACK OBAMA for President of the United States
In my humble opinion, I believe that the United States NEEDS Barack Obama to win the election. Besides the political views and differences between him and McCain, I feel he will display that his greatest role is as an inspirational leader. That is what a president should be. You should BELIEVE in him. You should know that he is out for the good of ALL people. Of course, you most definitely can't ever please them all, but he is the one to restore this country to what it can become. He's got the sweets to kick it down a notch with Oprah, the courage to think outside the box, the strength to challenge our country to pay attention to what's most important in life, and the balls to call people out and go to war when it's the right thing to do.
PROPOSITION 8 is a constitutional amendment to eliminate the right of same sex couples to marry. I believe that no matter what your sexual preference may be, ALL people should have the right to be with whomever they wish. Who in their right mind can tell anybody that they cannot marry the one you love? I think that is backwards thinking, and pretty much ridiculous. I have alot of friends both male and female who are gay/lesbian, and I think that they should be able to marry. This is 2008 people, it's practical and necessary.
Of course, it doesn't matter what your sexual preference is. If you believe in what's right, then stand up for it.
My long-time buddy Patrick will be adding to this with more information on a future blog to raise more awareness. He has been rallying as many folks as he can to VOTE NO on PROP 8 this year, and has great success thus far. If you believe in equality, and acceptance for all, you should join in and VOTE NO on 8.
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