Hard to believe the year is winding down, it has been a busy one for all of us at HAWT . Mikey and Gelly have been relentlessly crankin' out the jammies this year, seeing a couple of their tracks being pressed was a surreal experience! Magana has also released some music as well! The HAWT label is finally seeing the light of day. As Mikey mentioned in a previous blog, going through two distribution deals is a definitely a rough ride, and with the current state of affairs with labels going digital, less and less vinyl is being pressed, and that makes a HUGE impact...on me.
Thinking back on it, it's pretty nutty to think that just a few years ago, Los Angeles had a decent amount of record stores. I remember when at any given time, I could've gone to 6 or 7 DIFFERENT spots to hit up for vinyl; Amoeba , Aaron's Records, DMC, Street Sounds, This is Music, Beat Non Stop / Temple of Boom, not to mention the infamous WAX store on Melrose Ave. Now it's just a handful. No doubt that Amoeba reigns supreme. It is literally the LARGEST independent music store in the NATION. I am VERY lucky to have such close access to it; I pretty much spend my lunch hour diggin' through the vinyl bins.

Some people collect comic books, I collect records; to me they are like big 12"x12" baseball cards. Having an extra copy of a record comes in REALLY handy in a trade *wink*. Which is why I sometimes will have a third copy on hand.. you know, one to play, one for back-up, and one for trade!
That reminds me, I got to give a buddy of mine in SF one that I've stumbled onto while diggin.
I'm currently diggin' through MY OWN collection, for a couple of mixes that I am putting together this weekend. Sure I'll sprinkle a couple of Mp3's in there, but for the most part I'll stick to vinyl. I'm excited about putting together these mixes as i haven't done so in a while. I am also VERY excited about what's coming up for HAWT as the year does indeed wind to a close...
It was last year's Love Fest weekend that saw the LAUNCH of HAWT SF, and SF received us with open arms and dancing feet, our favorite! And of course it is NOT TOO EARLY to start thinking about the fact that JACK FROST is around the corner!!! That's right!! Probably our most favorite party of the year, we especially love how the community gets together and thinks of the less fortunate than us, and really get in the spirit of giving.
That being said, don't limit yourself to once a year - go out there everyday and be considerate of those around you...you'll be surprised at the impact you make.
we miss vinyl!!!!!
Vinyl will always be a part of HAWT! Well as long as I can help it, we will always provide the experience with a pair of 1200s on hand. I know it's not what everyone else is doing these days, But then again WE aren't like everyone else ;)
wow, this post brought back memories. I had my mom drop me off at dmc like every weekend (yes, i wasnt old enough to drive yet =P). I would spend about 5 hours just walking up and down melrose hangin' out in all the record stores =). Vinyl will always reign supreme with me. Actually week 2 on the show is all done on vinyl. Cant wait till you guys press the vinyl, im gonna need copies!!
Keep rockin that shit boyz!
Holy crap, I can't believe it's almost time for another JackAttack!!!
Gone are the days where I was able to spend a whole Saturday afternoon digging for vinyl. It's unfortunate that record stores are disappearing and most music producers are going the digital route leaving vinyl obsolete. I miss that feeling of excitement finding a gem in a stack of records.
Larry, come up to LA, you can still spend an afternoon at AMOEBA, plus i still have some secret spots (shh!!)
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