by Mikey Velazquez
So the blog is up an running, and tomorrow marks Day one of our HAWTCAST featuring the Live DERRICK CARTER Mix from the HAWT Music Label Launch Party. We hope you guys check it out as it was a very special party for us, and an exceptional night of music.
That being said, many people have asked us when our 1st record is going to be released. We have had some issues regarding that, and finally we have some light at the end of the tunnel getting distribution settled and on the way. In other words, you will not only see the "official OFFICIAL Launch of the label", which will begin with vinyl presses(yes, VINYL!), but you will also see the digital end follow soon thereafter, giving you the option of purchasing either one. It has been a long hard road to this point with many twists and turns. We have had 2 different P&D deals in place that have withered away because of distros going down. We are at a major crossroads in music right now, and it's very difficult.
You see, we have always wanted to do this right. We always wanted to press records and get our music out as much as possible. We could have easily done our label digitally over a year ago, but then we would have compromised our objective to cut corners, and that would not be right. Anyhow, if all goes well you will see our first releases dropping on both vinyl and digital download before the year's end =)
In case you haven't heard it yet, the 1st release is an EASILY INFLUENCED original called "ROCKIT". (listen here:
www.myspace.com/thehawtmusic It's funny because it was one of the first tracks that Gelly and I made that we were ever happy with, so we decided to make it our first release. Our style has changed significantly since that point over 2 years ago, not good nor bad, just different. Rounding out the release are remixes (aka REHEATS) by 3 producers we admire very much. First of all, we chose to have some local Southern California representation on the label, something we intend on showcasing alot in the future since we have so much talent here alive and kicking! The first one is THOMAS WHITE of NATURAL RHYTHM, who has always been one of our fave producers over the years. Along with Pete Williams, and more recently on his own, Thomas has consistently put out dancefloor bomb after dancefloor bomb, showing versatility and talent with funky, jazzy, dirty goodness.
The second reheat is by our good buddy and Balance-Hollywood resident, JOSHUA HEATH. This guy is amazing, and is merely scratching the surface of his potential. He has been blowing up over the last 2 years plus putting out releases consistently on mega labels such as Miguel Migs' SALTED & Inland Knights' DROP MUSIC among others. The guy is super talented and has a magic touch always putting his signature funky sound one everything he does. He also plays live bass and other instruments too on his music, which is why it always sounds so warm and juicy, heheheh. Anyhow peep that out on or page as well!
www.myspace.com/thehawtmusicFinally, the last but definitely not least reheat on our HAWT Music 001, is by none other than the almighty DERRICK CARTER himself. I have no problem admitting that DC is my absolute favorite. He always has been over the years, for well over a decade and if it were not for him I may not be on the path that I'm on today. You might think it sounds cheesy, but we all have people we look up to, admire, and try to pattern ourselves after. He is the reason I fell in love with this music, and I will be forever grateful to him, his music, his production, his DJing, and his label. Not to mention, when I first met him I realized that he was one of the most down to earth, sweetest individuals you will ever meet! I already had the utmost respect for him and when i saw that he was just so smooth, it really taught me alot, and I am thankful. Anyhow, DC did the last reheat on the release and you should peep that one too!
www.myspace.com/thehawtmusicFinally, that rounds out our first release, so please remain patient as it should be available by the end of this year! Soon thereafter, we will have a steady schedule of releases for HAWT Music on both vinyl and digital. More info coming soon!
That being said, if you have any questions, want more information, would like to be added to our email list or simply wanna find out how to get involved in the HAWT Movement, email me!
Lookout for tomorrow's blog by our own HAWT SF chief ROQUE SANTOS, as well as our 1st HAWTCAST featuring the DERRICK CARTER MIX, LIVE @ the HAWT MUSIC LABEL LAUNCH PARTY!!!!!
Just go to: