Monday, June 23, 2008


So I heard that George Carlin just passed away this morning.

He has always been one of my favorite comedians. From the first time I heard "The 7 Words You Can't Say On Television" with my Dad, and pretty much everytime after, he has always been one of those guys that made me laugh uncontrollably. He's right up there with Richard Pryor. Look him up on youtube and you'll see. I first heard the news this morning, when i overheard someone talking about it. Apparently he had a history of heart problems, but was fine and doing his daily routine just hours before. Suddenly something went wrong, he was rushed to the hospital, and he died. He lived a full, action packed life. He lived his dream, and for that all should celebrate his life forever.

On another note, my buddy and fellow HAWT resident Eddie B is missing his record bag. It was last seen at a small get together @ our friend Jesus' house after HAWT on Friday night. Hopefully someone accidentally grabbed it, because we only invited friends and a few of their friends came thru, so it would be a huge let down if they never reappeared. Please respond privately if you might know of the whereabouts =) Eddie is one of my dearest friends, and i know this hurts him alot. He is the kind of person who still digs and digs for records, spending countless hours searching for hard to find records. He has put so much heart into his collection, that losing any part of it is like someone stealing your car or something.

Anyhow, I leave you with a Zen saying: "Life is the only thing worth living for."

Sometimes I tend to focus on things that do not maximize my best and highest use. I tend to beat myself up about things, and continue doing things that i feel are necessary, but really may not be. Do you ever put yourself second to something or someone you love, almost too much where you come last and your own priorities aren't addressed? I feel I do, and I want to work on that. If you do, so should you =)

Sometimes simplifying things helps you put those things in perspective.

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