Well i made it through the toughest parts of the cleanse now and am feeling GREAT. My energy level is back and stronger than its been in ages, so mission accomplished! The last 3 days have been pretty chill, at this point i don't get hungry much, and if i do i just pound some water. I haven't been able to stop thinking of all the meals i wanna eat next week though. So many delicious options and so little time! I think I'm going to start with a veggie diet for at least a week or so, and salads sound awesome. Definitely no ranch dressing though after all the effort ive been through ;)
Some people say it's kinda tough to workout on the cleanse, but i did throughout the 9 days. It wasn't easy days 2-5 but i just went at my own pace, and walked/jogged 5 miles. By day 6 i was doing bikram's yoga and by 8 i was jogging continuously on the 5 mile trek. However i did drink extra maple syrup in my lemonade for more nutrients.

One food i have been dying to try is Kogi Korean BBQ. They have a restaurant here in LA, but the main reason the
y have become so popular is their Korean BBQ Taco truck. Yes, that's right. Korean BBQ tacos! By strictly using Twitter to announce where the Taco Truck will be on the daily, they are the latest craze in Los Angeles. People flock from all over town to wait in line for these delish treats. I mean, Kimchee Quesadillas are making me salivate right now...
The Lakers just won Game 1 of the Finals, decisively at that! I loved what i saw it was rad to see the boys play that vicious DEFENSE that is gonna bring home a championship, if they keep it up at least. I gotta say it bugs me when some Laker fans celebrate early. Growing up playing baseball, i was always very superstitious and that makes me cringe. So yeah, i don't wanna hear about the damn parade anymore! At least not til we win 3 more games! =P
Game 2 on Sunday @ 6pm PST. All i know is tha Magic are digging a pretty deep hole to come out of....
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