Friday, July 18, 2008

Early Bird Gets It

The Early Bird gets the worm.

This is something we all used to hear growing up. Its something that i go through phases with, and i've found its directly correlated to your mind state, goals, etc. For instance, in a slouching, lazy or insecure state, we are likely to want to sleep in, waking up with no rush and excitement whatsoever. On the other hand, when we have tuned into our self, and set goals, feel great, we wake up in a snap. It's these times that we look forward to starting another brand new day as opposed to dreading another one.

It really is the way we perceive things that makes this difference, and that being said, everything in this life is tied together. When we are unhappy, we are unhappy with our family, our friends, ourselves. Maybe our financial/work situation is not stable. Maybe its something in our personal life. Often its the way we feel, which with most of us is another direct correlation to the way we look, the way we eat, how often we exercise and how much natural energy we feel.

On the other hand, and speaking from personal experience, when we feel our best is when we are healthiest. Eating right, working out, feeling excited about tackling everyday, because we are alive. Because everyday is another opportunity to LIVE, to grow, to challenge and to achieve new goals.

Anyway, i feel great today, and it didn't come easily. I struggled for a long time to snap out of my mornings of waking up unhappy, without excitement. I was overweight, drank too much, smoked too much, and had crazy sleeping patterns. As i've mentioned before, it usually takes from 30-45 days to make a new routine into habit, and for that reason it is crucial to set those goals to keep on track.

SO, if you're waking up every morning and lacking energy and excitement to tackle your day, try mixing up your routine. It wont be easy, but it also shouldn't be drastic! Be patient. Don't do a diet that isn't realistic or will get you short term results, those are the ones that will get you right back to where you don't wanna be the fastest. Set goals, and have the courage to follow through with them knowing that you'll feel better later because of them.

If you're unhappy with your job, look into something else! Remember to love what you do and do what you love, if you truly want to be happy. It sounds cliche, but if you truly love it, you will succeed at it if you do your very best and never work a day in your life.


Anyhow that's my 2 cents.

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